First we start with an anecdote. Well, more like a series of short observations.
For some reason, some people have a hard time finishing their primping in the house. You would be surprised by the number of females I have seen put on their make-up in the train, morning, noon and night. Sure, when the train is super crowded, there’s no way to manage this, but around 9:30 am, when the numbers have died down a little, there is enough space to manage this. I have seen eyeliner applied, mascara, blush, lipstick. You name it, I’ve probably seen it. I watched in amazement as one young lady put her contacts in while the train was moving! Impressive! The most appalling was this morning, around 10 am. I saw a man plucking his chin hairs. I would like to think that he could have shaved at home and saved himself a little bit of embarrassment. But, no, it’s not embarrassing, because in theory, no one is looking at you. I was looking.
Next! We look at the other important etiquette of the trains: Drunken behavior.
Please do not sleep on the trains! They are not your home. I know, they are really, really comfortable, but think of the other guests. Also, think of how embarrassing it is to be this drunk on a train that is probably really crowded.
This is one in a series of monthly train etiquette reminders. I apologize for not getting the previous three months, I assure you they were as interesting as this one (One reminded us to be wary of our wet umbrellas, another noted that we probably shouldn’t carry our giant backpacks and eat from our lunch boxes on the train. “Do it in the mountains” is what it said. The final one was along these lines, it showed a group of people drinking on the train, and proclaimed “Do it at the pub!”).
On another, totally unrelated not, I chilled with some Earlham friends last week. Two of them were my best Earlham buds, Damon and Mariah! We went around Tokyo, hitting up the cool spots like Harajuku, Akihabara and TOKYO TOWER. It was my first time, and it was pretty cool. We only went up the first observation deck, because it cost extra to go higher. Don’t you like how much I rule my life by my wallet? It is much, much lighter after the past two weeks (I just bought a sweet winter jacket!). Oh, it was also my birthday that week, so they helped me celebrate. Yeah, I’m 21. Probably too old to be blathering away like this. That’s my cue!!
Yeah...I'm glad the dude who took this did not run off with my camera!!
See you next time!