Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fool's Day!

Happy April Fool's Day! Want to know what I did today? I passed out fliers for the club I'm in (the Waseda Donuts) at Waseda's main campus. It was CRAZY! Today was the entrance ceremony, so all [most of?] the Freshmen of Waseda's various schools were at Okuma Auditorium at some point.

Let me give you a quick run down:
I arrive at 10 am, meet my club-mates at the Student Meeting Hall
We walk to the main campus and immediately are slowed by the vast amounts of bodies that are present.
Sacchan and I take an UNDERGROUND path to bypass campus (and the already huge crowd of 2nd and 3rd years who want to promote their clubs)

((At this point we start handing our fliers to ANYONE in a suit carrying a bag. They are Freshmen 99% of the time (there was one time I tried to give 2nd years our info...they didn't take it). Freshmen were walking around with arms full of papers, and people just kept throwing more on top! It was crazy [fun].))

Pass out fliers until 11, then meet back with everyone to get more.
I go with Hide (sort of pronounced Hee-day) to copy 200 more fliers
Go to the auditorium and start throwing fliers into as many Freshman's 'open' arms and bags saying 'international club, please take' in Japanese
Get Lunch, chill out until 1ish
Pass out more fliers until 3:30ish, when Ne-chan and I finish
Go home.
Pass out.

this is a picture where it's not so crowded...

The sports clubs were a lot more insistent than other clubs. Often you would see soccer or baseball men throwing their arms around some poor frosh saying "you interested?". I managed to walk into a group of Freshmen boys at one point (more like I was half-pushed) and said "Let's speak English!" and gave them the our paper...They proceeded to say "Donuts?!" and I just smiled. There were a few "I'm not interested" every now and then but mostly the Freshmen just took everything that was handed to them. That way you can just make it through the crowd. If you refuse something, often the person handing it to you will stick to your side/front until you take their flyer. It's a pretty amazing sight. You always knew when a Frosh was walking your way when a big crowd of people shouting "onegaishimasu" started moving towards you.

At the end of the day we had passed out around 400 fliers (Hide said it was around 500, but I'm not sure about that. Who knows, we may get one, two new members?).
Crazy stuff...
I ate some yummy panda snacks yesterday. Here's photographic evidence of it's Japanese-ness

"Sakusaku Panda" I think that means crunchy panda? They ARE crunchy :)
Biscuit on one side, cute chocolaty face on the other!

Here's their comic. I've taken the liberty of translating it into non-engrish English to the best of my ability. Not 100%, but the idea is the same
(EDIT start at the upper RIGHT frame, move down, then upper left, then down)
1-Ah! Rain!
2-My biscuit is getting wet (okay, that just sounds weird no matter how i try and translate it, sorry!).
3. Hurry!
4. The 'Saku-Pandas', to be safe from rain, have built underground passages.


Annie said...

HAHAHA Should have said, "My cookies are getting soggy." That sounds less sexual.

YAY I love your posts!

Hilary said...

Hmmm did you and Sacchan take the same path as the Saku-Pandas?? heehee..

The Waseda club promotion sounds pretty different from the Pembroke Hill Club fair, where there are still people trying to sell their clubs. I guess the difference at PHS is that the main goal is to have the most impressive booth/food and the freshman have the more powerful position.

Being swarmed by upperclassmen yelling "onegaishimasu" (what does that mean?) seems more like intimidation.