Thursday, August 25, 2011

Day ??- I am so tired...

...I have been getting home at 9 pm these past few nights! I guess this is what it's like to be 社会人 (shakaijin-a working, "full-fledged" member of society).

Enjoy pretty pictures!

Had  a lovely dinner at Nutmeg! Green curry with eggplant and bamboo.
It was spicy, creamy and generally delicious.
And, I got a free show because Ossan's band was practicing! This place
is like my second home and if I can't go twice a week I get very upset...
I was tickled when I saw my English Conversation student's
 political campaign poster! (It's the white one)
I would vote for him. At least he doesn't have those annoying
vans driving around the city shouting his
name and saying "ONEGAISHIMASU!!"

Zero calories but 70 lemon's worth of vitamin C!
This is how I am going to stay healthy despite the stress
and work that's piling up!
So, I hardly have any downtime at work because I'm always at class, grading or doing cheer practice. I'm super tired and after work I'm teaching, having meetings or catching up with friends (while discussing lesson plans!). I like being busy, but I get so tired and I don't have time to clean my gross, disgusting, tiny apartment. I want to post recipes! I want to write about interesting things!

Give me time!


1 comment:

Hil said...

Too bad foreigners can't vote.
If you are interested the Chinese version of that is "shehuiren." So simirar.